Monday, December 12, 2016

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton and the Job of the Electoral College.

America along with the rest of the world are awakening to the truth thanks to the internet giving us an easy source to find unlimited information and do the research on topics that we could never do before on our own. With that being said we still have a long way to go. The liberal media continues to push its agenda with outright lies and disinformation. Its no secret that the mainstream media is controlled by the government and bankers like the Rothschild family and the Rockefeller family along with multi Billionaires like George Soros.

Their newest scam on the American public is convincing us that the peoples vote doesn't count and the Electoral College can can cast their vote for whomever they please. Technically they can but its illegal because it infringes our Constitutional rights as a democratic Republic.Don't take it from me take it from our founding forefathers.(Twenty-Fourth Amendment Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State.) What would be the point of the American public voting if it didn't matter? The electoral college is there to keep federal and state separate along with being able to overturn the elected candidate if they were found unstable, if they died before they are sworn in or for any proven plausible reason that makes them unfit to hold office.

So lets evaluate the current situation along with President elect Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton. The claims against Trump are that he is racist, sexist , broke, unstable, a  unqualified, that he is a fascist, that he is homophobic, that he is just like Hitler and my favorite is that Russian President Vladimir Putin has Trump is his pocket. There is no proof of any of this. 99% of the claims against him are completely ridiculous. . He is in no way against women's rights. He has been hiring women for high paying key positions in all of his companies since he began. Same thing with all minorities. Donald trump is absolutely qualified and perfectly stable to run this once great country. Hes not just some reality star. In fact he turned a contract over 100 million dollars for x amount of episode and years but it would have made him the highest paid tv star getting paid more than Charlie Sheen per episode. He lost huge contracts from companies that he sponsored for. Point is that Bill Maher saying " I can't believe a reality tv star is going to be running the country" was far from what Donald J. Trump is. Trump is one of the most successful business men of our time. He has 16 golf courses through out the world. He has successfully made the Trump name a brand that is in a class of its own. Trump has no lobbyists or bankers that he has to answer to which means he owes nobody favors and he hasn't been bought. 

Hillary Clinton on the other hand is funded by big bankers and men like George Soros who proudly admitted that he turned in the Jewish people to Adolf Hitler and that he would do it again. She and Bill are puppets for the New World Order. She is a member of The Order of the eastern Star a Luciferian secret society and a long time member of the Bilderberg group. Everybody knows that she has had several people murdered and its usually because they had information that could destroy her or it was someone that was simply in her way of achieving more power. Her illegal email server put national security at risk and showed many of the illegal and suspicious activities she supported or was involved in. Don't take it from me just google Larry Nichols. He is a military veteran and has come out about being the man that carried out the hits for the Clinton's. He is spilling the beans on it all. I highly recommend listening to his story. 

In closing Trump is the right choice. Hes not even in the Oval office yet and he has already began to bring jobs back and made a few huge deals that will help the economy. As Americans we all need to come together and stop allowing the government and mainstream media to play mind games on us . I hope and pray that after Trumps inauguration that he purges out crooked government , police and the lying liberal media.

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