Wednesday, January 25, 2017

When have you ever witnessed a President donate 10,000$ to help a person with no alterior motives because he is already President?

Trump showing again that he is a man of the people. Time and Time again helping others with no other motives but to help the less fortunate. Why won't the MSM show you this? Because they are government owned and by that, I mean shadow government. Hitler did the same thing that Obama and Hillary did with media. Controlled what they could report, killed them for reporting anything that exposed them and if Trump had not been elected all alternative media would have been shut down. Free speech is essential to keeping all our freedoms. The first and second amendment protect each other and there for protect the rest. So far Trump has not only got straight to business but straight to the business, he promised his voters and even those who did not vote for him. I still don't understand why these Hollywood liberal morons resist a president that is actually keeping his promises and finally moving America into the plus digits again. These liberal freaks still calling him a fascist when it is the exact opposite of what he stands for. They call him an antisemite when all his children that are married are in fact married to Jews. What about this entire racist thing? We have already proved he is far from being any type of racist and there is no evidence of it anywhere. Liberals use lies while the right and the rest of the conservative world stand on facts, evidence, and statistics. God Bless everyone.                

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                                                                                           Raymond Patrick


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