Wednesday, January 25, 2017

When have you ever witnessed a President donate 10,000$ to help a person with no alterior motives because he is already President?

Trump showing again that he is a man of the people. Time and Time again helping others with no other motives but to help the less fortunate. Why won't the MSM show you this? Because they are government owned and by that, I mean shadow government. Hitler did the same thing that Obama and Hillary did with media. Controlled what they could report, killed them for reporting anything that exposed them and if Trump had not been elected all alternative media would have been shut down. Free speech is essential to keeping all our freedoms. The first and second amendment protect each other and there for protect the rest. So far Trump has not only got straight to business but straight to the business, he promised his voters and even those who did not vote for him. I still don't understand why these Hollywood liberal morons resist a president that is actually keeping his promises and finally moving America into the plus digits again. These liberal freaks still calling him a fascist when it is the exact opposite of what he stands for. They call him an antisemite when all his children that are married are in fact married to Jews. What about this entire racist thing? We have already proved he is far from being any type of racist and there is no evidence of it anywhere. Liberals use lies while the right and the rest of the conservative world stand on facts, evidence, and statistics. God Bless everyone.                

Subscribe below. Comment and check out my youtube Channel. Rise of Alternative Media!

                                                                                           Raymond Patrick


Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Rise of Alternative Media!: Donald Trump vs Rosie O'Donnell!!!!!!!

The Rise of Alternative Media!: Donald Trump vs Rosie O'Donnell!!!!!!!:                         As you saw in that video Megan Kelly tries to embaress The Donald but fails and fails so badly that instead of maki...

Donald Trump vs Rosie O'Donnell!!!!!!!

As you saw in that video Megan Kelly tries to embaress The Donald but fails and fails so badly that instead of making him look stupid he not only looks brilliant but he proved his honesty and that he will not back down from tough questions like other politicians. In fact Obama and Hillary won't take questions that were not already pre approved.

This is the video that started their battles back n forth. Rosie is angry that Donald Trump the owner of Miss USA gave the winner a second chance rather than taking away her crown for a drug over dose. Seems to me that a feminist like Rosie would be happy about a decision like this but her jealousy of Trump is shown in this clip.

                           Next clip Donald fires back on The Late show with David Letterman.

All Trump did was fire back at someone who took shots at him for no reason at all. He allowed Miss USA to keep her title and I would think most people would believe that was a kind thing to do. Haven't we all made mistakes? Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? Trump does have a good heart but mess with him and he will fire back.

                                                       Weak comeback by Rosie.

Rosie knows that publicly battling with Donald Trump will temporarily bring her ratings up and that's why she is doing this. She can be funny at times but truth is not on her side.

This video of Trump at a Business convention on getting even and Rosie O'Donnell. Trump trying to get last laugh. And this video is hilarious. Can't stump the Trump. Love it!!!!!!!

Rosie sings a song about Trump and I have to admit she gets him pretty good. 
                             Wow , did Rosie actually get the last laugh? Again it was very funny.

                Oh, wait a minute. Trump gets the last laugh on everyone that lied about him, said he would never be president and even said he would get the worst loss from a Hillary Clinton blow out. Boy were they wrong and here it is the winner of the battle and your new President of the United States of America.

Congradulations Mr. Trump on your historic win and thank you for standing up for the American people.

I love how these people think that they speak for us all. Sorry Rachael but even with all your lies and your support for Hillary Clinton it did you no good. Go Trump Lets make America great again.!

How Hillary had a heavily rigged election in her favor but still could not win.

From the very beggining Trump showed how he wasn't afraid to be honest. Any other candidate would have lied or passed the buck somehow. " Only Rosie Odonnelle " .Let us get into the facts not hear say or lies from the main stream media whore that is controlled by Obama and Hillary Clinton. I don't know why they had the recount when they knew fraud was going to be shown. There are videos on youtube of democrats who controlled the ballots on election day stuffing hundreds of thousands of ballods for Hillary that were all made fraudulently. Also we see that dead people managed to cast absintee ballods that were for Hillary. Also people somehow voted several times for Hillary. Appearently the rules change when it comes to the criminal empire we call Bill and Hillary Clinton. Then we find that at least 3 million illegals voted for Hillary. And people who literally didn't vote somehow turned in a vote for Hillary. People who are out of the country like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. It's unbelievable that Hillary could not win an election with millions of fraudulent votes thrown her way. And no Trump was not picked because he was the lesser of two evils. He beat out Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Huckabee, Jeb Bush and the candidate that couldnt beat Sanders legally as Hillary had his super delegates vote against him even though he won the popular votes in those states. Trumps run and win is historic and no doubt was God's hand behind this. Every time they tried to lie about Trump or make fun it only made him stronger.

Illonois look at these Domocrats stuffing thousand upon thousands of fraud votes for Hillary.

In the video below you will see that the amount of registered ballods compaired to actual votes was way off. Democrats had each vote for Hillary count as a total of 6 per vote. How can u lose when you cheat this badly.

        I told you I would give you the facts instead of hear say or lies. Lets see the next video.

I told you that dead voters managed to cast their ballods for non other than Hillary. This woman has a lot of connections and we all knew that but with dead people as well just blows me away. I wonder how many of them she had killed herself. lol

As you will see in this next video democrats were illegally only allowing democrats to register to vote and they are supposed to remain non partisan but they are clearly pushing for Hillary and hating on Trump.

These people are literally attacking your democratic rights to vote. They are a threat to our Republic and our God given freedoms. This is why we dont use a popular vote and why we use the electoral college. We must keep Federal and state separate. And we can never allow the federal government control the election process.

This next video shows what type of woman Hillary is. She doesnt care about us. She absolutely doesnt care about our freedoms, especially our right to vote. Here is an audio of her talking about how they should have rigged a Palestine election.

                                       Need I say more about how she feels about free elections.

I think we all know that Bernie really should have been the Democratic nominee as he did win the votes of the people but Hillary as usual was up to her old tricks and had fraud votes here as well as the super delogates declaring she had won states that Bernie clrealy won the popular vote on.

The Bengazhi losses of American citizens and brave soldiers was no big deal to her as she says " what difference does it make". The people at Bengazhi were demanding better security for months upon months and then asking to be able to leave because of the danger. Hillary ignored the requests. Then that fatal night when radical Islamic terrorrists attacked the compound and our people called for military back up it was answered by Clinton and Obama as a no. They told military units to stand down. All 4 generals were told to stand down until 2 rightly disobeyed direct orders from Obama and this wretched woman. These soldiers saved lives in a 13 hour standoff but lost 2 people. Guess what these Generals were dishonorably discharged. Is that nuts or what. Hillary belongs behind bars but instead was almost rewarded with the Presidency.

This woman is pure evil. It baffles me that people wanted her to be president. It baffles me even more that so many cried over her loss. Why would anyone want a candidate who has a trail of dead bodies thats almost as long as the Korean dictator Kim Jung Un? We mine as well voted for him. Also her career is full of failures. She changes her mind on topics and issues so much we dont know what she truly believes in.

Hillary caught lying about erased emails. She risked National security and the security of our top secret operatives in other nations. She also had a lot of Illegal activity she mentioned in those emails and proudly admitted at that. If this stuff doesnt convince people that we dodged the near destruction of America then I dont know what will convince these Hillary supporters.

Trey Gowdy is the man and he isnt afraid of Obama or Hillary like every other politician and media persons.

Again proof of major voter fraud. 3 million Illegal aliens voted and somehow 4 million dead people cast votes. Its likely that all the illegals voted Hillary because of Trumps strict but fair Immigration stance.

Also the MSM and the losers at TYT pushed hard support for Hillary Clinton by making up lies about Donald Trump and covering scandals for Hillary Clinton. Heres a video where a news man made his predictions for the elections outcome and as you will see it is moronic and embarressing for the Media.

This is proof to me that The Young Turks are bought and paid for to push lies and false narratives just like the mainstream media. I cant believe Cenk actually graduated college. Is he an idiot or just pretending to be the idiot. Only idots and uninformed people vote for Hillary Clinton.  Buy bye Hillary.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Meryl Streep Speech The Golden Globes 2017

                                    Mark Dice proves Hollywood liberals are liars and morally bankrupt.

I would like to start off by saying that Meryl Streep is a fantastic actress. But her morals and stance on Politics are the exact opposite of what Americas founding forefathers believed in and what they put into the greatest document ever written in the Constitution. They were real liberals who fought for freedom from a tyrannical government. Then they even wrote the Constitution to specifically protect the people from them (government). The Liberals today are destroying the fundamentals that made this nation so great. They ignore truth in every aspect especially when it doesn't fit their liberal bias. Facts, statistics, evidence, and commonsense goes right out the door with these liberals especially these Hollywood elite who are no better than you or me. Streep , while accepting her Golden Globe award made a anti Trump speech based on fabrications that claimed Trump made fun of a disabled reporter which I admit appeared that he did but
when you look at all the facts you see its not true and was an unfortunate circumstance and bad timing that it looked that way. So her claim was that this was what hurt her the most out of all the crap this year. Wanna talk about having your morals upside down and inside out. In 2003 she gave Roman Polanski who won an award but couldn't show because he was on the run from a self admitted rape of a 13 year old girl. Then her response was " I am sorry Roman has to go to prison and I feel hurt" but not hurt about that poor 13 year old girl. See what I mean. We don't mean jack to most of these Hollywood freaks. And again not all are freaks in fact I like many actors.                      


Celebrities making it clear that the peoples millions of votes that put Trump in Oval Office doesn't matter because their opinion of a few is more important because they are on TV....

Major example that these Hollywood liberals think not only that they can control you but that they deserve to and that their opinions and rights are more important than ours.( They approved this when they asked the Electoral College to ignore the votes of the people and choose their pick. And their excuse was to protect the democracy.) They were going against democracy.They were specifically saying we dont care what the people voted . Very few Hollywood elites are level headed. Mel Gibson , Kurt Russel, Jon Voight , Gary Sinise, Vince Vaugn, Stephen Baldwin, Dean Cain, Scott Baio , Michael J Fox, Kid Rock, and if I missed a few let me know. Even Kayne West stepped up and for that his wife and manager through him in a mental hospital for supporting Trump. Back to these liberal freaks in Hollywood we had Miley Cryus crying because Trump won and we better hold her to her promise of moving to Canada. Katy Perry another whining baby. Rachael Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Stephen Colbert, Chelsea Handler, Rosie Odonnelle, Whoopi Goldberg, Amy Schumer and all of Black Lives Matter. Shaun King who is their leader and isn't even black. Oh the quickly falling apart alternative media group known as The Young Turks who are really nobodies anyway but they are as bad as CNN. Cenk doesn't even understand the Constitution but always claims what he says is exactly right with no facts and even goes against the truth hoping his audience is to dumb to fact check him.

Jon Voight is and always has been a big supporter of Israel. Hes not afraid to go against these liberals in Hollywood. He was a Trump supporter. He is also a big critic of Obama and Hillary. Kayne West who we know is controlled by this Hollywood mafia. And hes trying to break free. The alleged psychotic breakdown and psycho rant at his concert was absolute truth and commonsense. Kayne stated to his fans while on stage " that Hillary lied to you ( you meaning his fans) , Radio lied to you, Obama lied to you, the media lied to you, again with radio lied to you" then stated " Jay Z I know you got killers ( meaning the Illuminati in Hollywood) , please dont send them after me, talk to me like a man, talk to me like a man you cant answer my calls or texts Jay" again to his fans " radio lied to you, everybody lied to you, and if I would have voted it would have been for Donald Trump cause he didn't lie to you and hes a good friend of mine". So after they let him out of the hospital he went to see Trump probably seeking protection. fifty cent said hes good friends with Trump.

Trump has been helping this homeless black woman for almost 9 years now by allowing her to live in a Trump Tower room for free , making sure she eats , has clothes, essentials and even fresh flowers weekly. Is this something a racist man would do that hates woman as well. And he never showed this off during the election process. Yes, this is 100 percent verified.

We need to unify as Americans and work together. All colors, races, backgrounds, social status, right wing, left wing, Libertarians, South, North, East and West. We need to get behind our new President Donald J. Trump. Obama trying to be a thorn in his side, bashing Trump every chance he gets and its all lies, Obama encouraging the left to protest and riot at the Inauguration, telling the Military to undermine Trump every chance they get, now these messes he created in Russia and Israel. No president has ever done this. Really its treason. Not the first time Obama committed treason. And Michael Moore starting a 100 day protest and boycott of Trump. Not American at all. And again protesting is only for things that can be changed and even need to be changed. Trump is the new President. And the American people did not pick the less of two evils. Trump was chosen from the start. He demolished all the candidates. It was the biggest movement ever and not just in Politics. The best man was chosen by far. I love how Obama says " well there will be a reality star in the White House" as if that's what Trump is. Trump is one of the greatest accomplished business men of our time. 4.7 billion in Forbes and that is just liquid assets like cash, stocks, bonds , anything that can be instantly liquidated into cash. That does not count his 16 golf courses world wide, or Trump Tower, business investments, Casinos, and his name brand etc. He had the best formatted plans from the start over all candidates. He knows the world, he understands the economy, the military, business, world markets etc.

I ask those that still believe that Trump is a racist, homophobic, sexist , and the dumbest one I have heard which is comparing him to Hitler , Well, I ask you to do some serious research with an open mind and find any real evidence for any of these claims. I will debate anyone if they can prove hes any of these things and that its Hillary that is in fact all of those things and worse.

                                                                      Raymond Patrick

Judge Just Reveals The Hillary ‘Smoking Gun’ on LIVE TV…She’s FINISHED!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Obama Rant. What the hell makes him think he actually has a legacy to brag about?

Time and time again we hear Obama say that things are better now in America and around the world then 8 years ago. I would love to know what is better since his time as president? Really, please give me one example. Obama claims that unemployment is at an all time low at 5%. I'm no math major but unemployment is up by 14% . 1.4 million more people are unemployed than when he began. He also claims the economy is better than ever. I guess the record lows that Wall St have been putting out are all lies. Not! As it is true that the economy has had it's greatest comeback in history in the last 2 months it has nothing at all to do with Obama. People are out spending money and investing because confidence is high in the world markets and American public since Trump became the Republican Nominee then raised even more when he clinched the victory to become the 45th president of the United States Of America. Now I am not giving Donald all the credit for this sudden rise but he should get some. Especially seeing as though he has already saved thousands of jobs and isn't even president yet.

At Obama's send off in his final military speech where by the way was empty and only people required to be there were there. Compare his send off to Bush and you can see there isn't just a lack of confidence from military in Obama but a detest and hatred for his failures in National security. Anyway his claim was that every Nation respected America more now than 8 years ago. Notice he loves to point out it being because his presidency but in fact once again a major lie. The complete opposite of actual truth. Relations with Russia are worse then ever. We are at the brink of world war 3 and Obama is making it worse by falsely accusing Russia of hacking the elections with absolutely no proof what so ever. It has been no secret that Putin wants peace with America and Obama has been outright disrespectful to their nation. And what about Israel? This is a country that has been a long time ally of the U.S. First Obama tried to offer them a peace deal that would have forced them to give up certain borders and give up their own land to Muslim communities. Also we have found out from Hillary's hacked emails that Obama donated 300,000 $ to undermine Netenyahu's election. Now the latest thing with Obama leading the U.N and 14 nations to veto and abandon peace agreements. The Australian representative at the U.N outed Obama as war criminal who asked them to supply Iran with Nuclear Chemicals and keep it off the books because its not only highly illegal but its treasonous on Obama's part. We have over 11 million Illegals in the U.S now and growing by the day. There are several lawsuits and petitions for the impeachment of Barack for illegally opening the borders, distablizing the country, acting unilaterally and illegally bypassing Congress time and time again, for distabilizing the military, for his illegal deal with the prisoner trade and not because we got 1 person and gave Iran 11 of the most dangerous terrorists in the world but because he did it without congress. 

When in ran in 08 he promised to cut the 9 trillion dollar national debt in half. Its now 2017 and the debt is over 20 trillion not only meaning he doubled the debt but he alone created more debt than all of the presidents put together. Racial relations are horrible in America and he does nothing about it. He actually encourages it with his sideways comments. Everything he touches burns to the ground. Everything he said about Obamacare was a lie. And he Illegally pushed the dates back to get it approved. Now people have lost their doctors, many veterans can't even get a doctor and the rates are st to double this year and next. What about backing out of the war? Never happened. And him and Hillary have been caught funding ISIS and sending them weapons. 

What ever comes out of this guys mouth is a lie and not some little white lie it is usually the exact opposite of reality. He and the MSM made fun of everyone who questioned his birth certificate except Hillary who was the first one to call him out on it in 2008. It is now 1,000 fact that his birth certificate is a fraud. Joseph Arpaio , a team of 11 professional forensics experts and Italian experts all deemed his birth certificate to be a fraud. They even found the source document used to copy his and it was from a Hawaiian citizen Johanna Anne. Top that off with a Connecticut Social security that belongs to someone else who has passed on and all of his medical and school papers sealed its not some crazy conspiracy theory to want to know who the hell this guy really is and how the biggest scam in American history was pulled off and put in the White House. 

I will be writing a full article and making a documentary on Obama's life and presidency with facts, evidence and statistics. If you have any thoughts please comment. I also want to say that I am not racist. I hate racism. I think its sick to hear Obama call anyone who doubts him or even criticizes him is a racist. He is so thin skinned he actually blamed Fox news for his low approval rating. Oh, Yeah and his actually approval rating is around 20 % and he claims its above 50%. I will have a full article out in a few days maybe make it in a few sections. God Bless you all and remember you dont need to be afraid of speaking the truth that Obama is a Radical along with Hillary Clinton. Yes the Bush family as well. All these New World Order globalist freaks.